ICHA Scientific Board

Dr. Gerry Wait is international expert in archaeology and heritage management with thirty years of experience on important positions in professional and academic institutions and groups, as well as businesses in the related fields. He studied archaeology and anthropology in USA and did his Ph.D. focused on Ritual and Religion in Prehistoric Britain on the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom.
Dr. Wait served as Chairman and still serves as Board Director of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. He was also Co-chair of the Committee on Professional Associations in Archaeology of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) and has been an active member for the EAA since 1995. He is on the editorial board of the Society of American Archaeology’s Advances in Archaeological Practice Journal. He is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London, listed on the Register of Professional Archaeologists (USA) and involved in many other professional and academic associations.
Dr TevdovskiAmbassador Ljuben Tevdovski, Ph.D. is international expert, lecturer, archaeologist, diplomat and cultural manager with two decades of experience on leading positions in educational, scientific and governmental institutions and nongovernmental organizations. His core fields of expertise incorporate anthropology, theory and history of archaeology and classical archaeology. His research and analyses also involve the scientific areas of cultural studies, Near East, cultural and public diplomacy and international relations. Dr. Tevdovski served as Macedonian Ambassador to Canada, Public Diplomacy Advisor and Member of the Foreign Policy Council of the President of Macedonia, and Chief of the Department of National Priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He also worked as Deputy Director of Research of the Holocaust Fund of the Jews from Macedonia and Director of the Museum of the City of Skopje and served as Member of the Governing Board of the Macedonian National Dance Ensemble. 
Ambassador Tevdovski is Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology and President of the International Cultural Relations Institute. He was lecturer of Cultural and Public Diplomacy on the Macedonian Diplomatic Academy and lecturer of Diplomatic Negotiations of Faculty of Law, (Goce Delcev University), works as Professor of Classical Archaeology and Archaeological Theory on the Institute of History and Archaeology, UGD, and collaborates with the University of Audiovisual Arts. He also taught Ancient Myths and Religions, Classical Civilizations, Byzantine Culture, Archaeology of the Middle East, Balkan Archaeology and Medieval Archaeology.    
Dr. Dragoş Gheorghiu is a internationally prominent cultural anthropologist and an experimental archaeologist, professor in leading universities in numerous countries, director and vice-rector, editor, co-editor and author in leading archaeological, anthropological and artistic editions and journals, leader and board member in prominent professional organizations and institutions, initiator and manager of important international scientific projects in archaeology and anthropology.
Gheorghiu served as Vice-Rector, Director of Research and Coordinator of the Department of Postgraduate Studies of the National University of Arts in Bucharest and currently teaches at the Doctoral School of the University. He has also lectured in the Toronto University, Canada, University College London, UK, in Macao, Portugal and other universities around Europe.
He is long-standing Board Member of the Semiotics Encyclopaedia Online of the Victoria University, as part of University of Toronto in Canada and long-standing Board Member of the Time and Mind – The Journal of Archaeology, Consciousness and Culture in United Kingdom. He served also as correspondent of The European Archaeologist of the European Association of Archaeologists and Advisory Editor and Correspondent to Antiquity in UK. Gheorghiu is also Co-editor with Dr. George Nash of the Journal of Experimental Pyrotechnologies and Director of “Time Maps. Real communities, virtual worlds, experimented pasts” Project and “Vadastra” Project of experimental archaeology, art and eco-design.
Dr. Jaime Almansa Sánchez is European expert of public archaeology, cultural heritage and archaeological theory. He also has an extensive portfolio in archaeological excavations, museum studies, African archaeology and Science education. He studied theory of archaeology and prehistoric archaeology at Universidad Compultense de Madrid in Spain. Dr. Sánchez got his Master degree in Public Archaeology and doctoral degree in Archaeology and Society at the University College London.
Dr. Sánchez currently works at the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit), Spanish National Research Council. He served as Managing Director of JAS Arqueologia SLU in Spain, co-chairs of the Working Group in Public Archaeology for the European Association of Archaeology, Editor-in-chief of the Journal in Public Archaeology and member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Archaeology, History and Anthropology. Except from his long-term scientific focus, he has an extensive portfolio in publishing scientific works, training and consultancy.
Dr. Sánchez  is also external member of the investigation group in Universidad Compultense de Madrid in the Prehistorical department of Faculty for History and Geography. His primary scientific focus there is archaeology and political culture. He has more than 47 publications, scientific and technical documents and he is very active in the academic world, as being part of lot of conferences around the world.
Dr BogoevskiDr. Krste Bogoevski is Macedonian top expert in Museology and Heritage protection, and international scholar with many decades of academic and practical experience. His main scientific focus is museological treatment of different topics, as well as the museological functions of protection, research and communication.
Profesor Bogoevski is first vice-president of the Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, prominent member of the International Committee of ICOM, first President of the Macedonian National Committee of ICOM and first president of the  Macedonian National Committee of the Blue Shield. Has published numerous and articles and participated and led some of the main conferences of museology and heritage in Macedonia and abroad. He was editor-in-chief of ‘Museologica Macedonica’ -Journal of the Macedonian National Committee of the International Council of Museums and of the journal ‘Ethnologist’ -journal of the Macedonian Ethnological Society, and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Archaeology History and Anthropology.
Dr. Bogoevski was educated in Zagreb and Paris, under the mentorship of Georges Henri Riviere and worked as an independent researcher in UNESCO-ICOM- Documentation Center under a stipendium from the Government of France. Bogoevski worked as leading custodian and museum and exhibition advisor in the Macedonian museums for almost four decades. He is one of the most prominent professors of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, teaching ethno-museology, history and applied museology. He also taught protection and management of cultural heritage to historians and archivists at the Institute of History, Philosophical faculty in Skopje.
Dr SavovaDr. Christina Savova is prominent Bulgarian and international expert in design and fashion, art historian, lecturer, artist and experienced manager of civic and cultural organizations and initiatives. She is a prominent Professor of New Bulgarian University, with two decades of experience as lecturer, Head of The Programme Committee and Program Director. Dr. Savova also served as Director of the Experimental Fashion Design Studio of the New Bulgarian University.                                                                                                                                                                                               Dr. Savova is long-standing President of the Association of New Design Initiatives, Vice-President of the regional Procultura movement, active member of Bulgarian association of Apparel and Textile Producers and Exporters and the Branch Organization for Textiles and Apparel (BOTO), as well as member of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists.                                                                                                                                                                              She is member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Archaeology History and Anthropology and Journal of Educational Sciences, Theory and Practice “Education”, author of books, articles and manuals in history of fashion and design. Over the last two decades Dr. Savova managed and took leading roles in major international and regional projects and initiatives in the field of cultural heritage, folklore and arts, and worked closely with international organizations, including UNESCO for protection and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage, European Commission and Central European Initiative.                                                                     Dr. Savova’s main scientific research interest is in the history and development of various design styles, and she combines her artistic passion and scientific knowledge in her work on numerous art performances and exhibitions.   
Dr MitrevskiDr. Dragi Mitrevski is among the most renowned Macedonian and Balkan archaeologists, prominent theorist, practitioner and professor of Prehistoric Archaeology, Classic Archaeology and Methodology of Archaeological Research.
Professor Mitrevski has also served as Director of Museum of Macedonia, Member of the National Council of Cultural Heritage of Macedonia and President of the Macedonian Scientific Archaeological Association in the first years of the independence of the country. He served, as well, as Head of  Department of Art History and Archaeology at the oldest higher-education institution in Macedonia – the Faculty of Philosophy of Skopje.
He was educated on the universities in Skopje and Belgrade and worked extensively on projects with the Museum of Macedonia, Institute of Art History and Archaeology in Skopje and other prominent scientific institutions in the Balkan region and worldwide. He received a Fulbright Scholar reward and was guest lecturer in Harvard and Boston University. He has also lectured in a period of few years on the New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria and gave lectures in numerous Balkan universities.
Dr VianelloDr. Andrea Vianello is prominent expert in Mediterranean archaeology, scientific archaeology and theory of archaeology. He studied history of science and archaeology at Universita Ca Foscari in Venice, Italy and did his master of arts and doctorial studies at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom. Dr. Vianello has taught archaeology in different countries since 1998 and currently works as Research Fellow at the University of South Florida. He has worked in numerous excavations in Crete, Britain and Italy.
Dr. Andrea Vianello main research focus are Late Bronze Age Mediterranean cultures, with special interest on exchanges and trade, cultural transmission and socio-economic issues. His monograph on Late Bronze Age Mycenaean and Italic Products was publically presented the XV World Congress UISPP in Lisbon. He has a strong and early interest in the use of digital technologies applied to archaeology, with special concern for Web technologies to disseminate results. He has been a regular contributor to the CSA Newsletter and worked for 5 years at the University of Oxford on a national project (Humbul and Intute) to use Web publications in academic teaching. He is a experienced and active member of the European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) and has presented his work at the EAA’s annual meetings since 2001.
DworskyCyril Dworsky is leading Austrian expert in underwater archaeology and prominent European archaeologist, science communicator and heritage manager.
He is Chairman and member of important international archaeological and scientific boards, member of the International Coordination Group for the UNESCO World Heritage Prehistoric Pile Dwellings, member of the German Commission for Underwater Archeology, member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Society for Archeology in Upper Austria and member of the executive board of the European Children’s Universities Network.
His main research focus is on the development of innovative, viable and sustainable structures for cultural heritage management and increased citizens participation in education and science.
As director of the Board of Trustees, he is responsible for the strategy and execution of the management of an underwater archaeological heritage site, the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Prehistoric Pile Dwellings around the Alps” in Austria.
Dr MalinovDr. Zoranco Malinov is ethnologist, anthropologist and prominent Macedonian and international expert for protection and promotion of the global intangible cultural heritage.  His research interest span over the anthropological areas of customs, believes, cults, traditions, calendars and wider areas of folklore. He was also very active in the field of international cooperation for promotion of the intangible cultural heritage. 
Dr. Zoranco Malinov served as Director of the Macedonian Institute of Folklore, he was long-serving President of the Association of ethnologists of Macedonia and Board Member of the Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology. He was member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Archaeology History and Anthropology, led projects and initiatives and worked closely with international organizations, including UNESCO for protection and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage.
Professor Malinov has taught ethnology and related subjects in the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, at Sts. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, and the Institute of History and Archaeology, at Goce Delcev University in Stip. He has also though ethnomusicology and related subjects on the Musical Academy in Stip, Macedonia. 