JAHA Journal


Journal of Archaeology History and Anthropology (JAHA) is a peer-reviewed international journal, which publishes original papers promoting theoretical, methodological and empirical developments in the disciplines that explore the past and its important role in the human approach to the critical issues of today.

The journal provides a forum where a wide variety of different scientific perspectives can gather together and enter into critical exchange. It encourages submissions both from scholars working in archaeology, history and anthropology and those in related disciplines whose work can make a substantial contribution to topics of concern of these professional groups and interested publics.


Submitting Your Manuscript

JAHA typically publishes two thematic issues each year and two issues of contributed articles. Thematic issues are developed by Guest Editors and present collections of papers dealing with a specific subject, culture, region, site type, bibliographic material, or theory. Contributed paper volumes of JAHA include individual articles and reviews, through which invited scholars comment on specific articles in order to provide alternative scientific perspectives on a given topic.

For submitting Your Manuscript for a review, or other questions related to the latest JAHA Call for Papers, please feel free to contact our team at journal@archaeoinstitute.org


Manuscript Review

The process of preselecting the manuscripts is done by JAHA Editor-in-chief or JAHA Co-Editor respectively, on the merits of writing style and appropriate thematic focus. Additionally the manuscripts are individually blind peer reviewed by one or two of the Associate Editors, and reviewed for eventual printing and graphic alterations by the JAHA Book Review Editor. JAHA manuscript review process is extensive in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses in each of the submitted manuscripts and determine which of them are suitable for publication. After the selection is made JAHA Editorial team will work with the authors to improve their manuscript prior to publication.

Journal of Archaeology, History and Anthropology is prepared six months in advance, and accepted articles can expect to see publication in the next journal edition.